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Changing advertisement data while advertising

I try to achieve something similar to IBeacon where data is pushed to any device listening, but where the data is changing over time. Is it possible to (frequently) change the advertisement data (such as the Manufacturer specific data) after a BLE peripheral starts advertisement? Or do I need that explicitly stop and start advertising with new data, or think of another solution to achieve pushing data to BLE scanners without setting up a connection?

  • Hi, I need to do the same with nRF8001. Within GAP settings, I would set "Service Data" in "Selected fields to advertise" (ACI Bond for example), create characteristic with property "Set pipe" then use "SetLocalData" to modify the data but how do I specify this characteristic to be the "Service data" to be advertised ? I can't understand how advertisement packet bits "uuid lsb" and "uuid msb" have to be set/used... I finally wrote a question, see "Service data in advertisement packets"

  • Hi, I need to do the same with nRF8001. Within GAP settings, I would set "Service Data" in "Selected fields to advertise" (ACI Bond for example), create characteristic with property "Set pipe" then use "SetLocalData" to modify the data but how do I specify this characteristic to be the "Service data" to be advertised ? I can't understand how advertisement packet bits "uuid lsb" and "uuid msb" have to be set/used... I finally wrote a question, see "Service data in advertisement packets"

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