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I2S 32-bit word size


I am struggling with interfacing an I2S digital microphone to the nRF52. To be more concrete, it is the Knowles SPH0645LM4H-B. I connected it as suggested in this thread. In the data sheet of the microphone it says:

The SPH0645LM4H microphone operates as an I2S slave. The master must provide the BCLK and WS signals. The Over Sampling Rate is fixed at 64 therefore the WS signal must be BCLK/64 and synchronized to the BCLK. Clock frequencies from 2.048Mhz to 4.096MHz are supported so sampling rates from 32KHz to 64KHz can be had by changing the clock frequency. The Data Format is I2S, 24 bit, 2’s compliment, MSB first. The Data Precision is 18 bits, unused bits are zeros.

I find this contradictory with the figure also provided in the data sheet of the microphone:

image description

In the image it is clear to see that WS toggles first after 32 clocks, which -for me- means, the word size is 32 bits (18 bits data, 6 bits set to 0, and 8 further bits floating).

The problem is that the nRF52's I2S interface does not support 32-bit word size.

 * @brief I2S sample widths.
typedef enum
    NRF_I2S_SWIDTH_8BIT  = I2S_CONFIG_SWIDTH_SWIDTH_8Bit,  ///< 8 bit.
    NRF_I2S_SWIDTH_16BIT = I2S_CONFIG_SWIDTH_SWIDTH_16Bit, ///< 16 bit.
    NRF_I2S_SWIDTH_24BIT = I2S_CONFIG_SWIDTH_SWIDTH_24Bit,  ///< 24 bit.
} nrf_i2s_swidth_t;

No matter what settings I try with the available 8, 16, or 24 bit word-size, I can't get all the relevant data bits from the microphone's data stream.

Any ideas how to solve this problem? Or are these two components (nRF52 and Knowles mic) simply incompatible?

Thank you in advance! NewtoM

  • Hi Hakon,

    I am trying to use the I2S with DA7210. With my previous MCU I used the configuration:

    • MCU I2S master; CODEC I2S slave
    • sample rate: 32kpbs
    • 24 bit (in 32 bit two's complement with sigh extension)
    • MSB align
    • Stereo
    • Master CLK provided by MCU with ratio 256x (32kpbs x 256 = 8.192MHz)

    For that I tried to modify the example for pca10040 (I have a board with nRF52832) with nRF5x MDK 8.11.1 IAR + IAR 7.5

    When I tried to use this configuration I was unable to set the I2S.


    1. Can I use this configuration? The MCLK max speed (according to nRF52832_OPS_v0.6.2.pdf) is max 4Mhz (I need 8Mhz) - but according to nRF52832_PS_v1.0.pdf is a valid example (shown in table 101).

    2. Apparently the 24 bit limitation comes from driver: In library is hard coded to reject the configuration 24 bit with RATIO_256X. ((sample_width == NRF_I2S_SWIDTH_24BIT) && ((ratio == NRF_I2S_RATIO_32X) || (ratio == NRF_I2S_RATIO_64X) || (ratio == NRF_I2S_RATIO_128X) || (ratio == NRF_I2S_RATIO_256X) || (ratio == NRF_I2S_RATIO_512X)))) Also 16 bits has some limitations: ((sample_width == NRF_I2S_SWIDTH_16BIT) && (ratio == NRF_I2S_RATIO_48X))

    3. Another problem I have is that even with 16 bits is not reading the data back correctly if I connect the scope (10pF , 1Mohm) to I2C_SCK. Below you have the log. I don't understand why behaves like that ... is like the bytes are delayed. In the end we have overflow.

      APP:INFO: 1: 0000/cafd, expected: cafd/caff APP:INFO: 1: caff/cafe, expected: cafe/cb00 APP:INFO: 1: cb00/caff, expected: caff/cb01 APP:INFO: 1: cb01/cb00, expected: cb00/cb02 APP:INFO: 1: cb02/cb01, expected: cb01/cb03 APP:INFO: 1: cb03/cb02, expected: cb02/cb04 APP:INFO: 1: cb04/cb03, expected: cb03/cb05 APP:INFO: 1: cb05/cb04, expected: cb04/cb06 APP:INFO: 1: cb06/cb05, expected: cb05/cb07 APP:INFO: 1: cb07/cb06, expected: cb06/cb08 APP:INFO: 1: cb08/cb07, expected: cb07/cb09 APP:INFO: 1: cb09/cb08, expected: cb08/cb0a APP:INFO: 1: cb0a/cb09, expected: cb09/cb0b APP:INFO: 1: cb0b/cb0a, expected: cb0a/cb0c APP:INFO: 1: cb0c/cb0b, expected: cb0b/cb0d APP:INFO: 1: cb0d/cb0c, expected: cb0c/cb0e APP:INFO: 1: cb0e/cb0d, expected: cb0d/cb0f APP:INFO: 1: cb0f/cb0e, expected: cb0e/cb10 APP:INFO: 1: cb10/cb0f, expected: cb0f/cb11 APP:INFO: 1: cb11/cb10, expected: cb10/cb12 APP:INFO: 1: cb12/cb11, expected: cb11/cb13 APP:INFO: 1: cb13/cb12, expected: cb12/cb14 APP:INFO: 1: cb14/cb13, expected: cb13/cb15 APP:INFO: 1: cb15/cb14, expected: cb14/cb16 APP:INFO: 1: cb16/cb15, expected: cb15/cb17 APP:INFO: 1: cb17/cb16, expected: cb16/cb18 APP:INFO: 1: cb18/cb17, expected: cb17/cb19 APP:INFO: 1: cb19/cb18, expected: cb18/cb1a APP:INFO: 1: cb1a/cb19, expected: cb19/cb1b APP:INFO: 1: cb1b/cb1a, expected: cb1a/cb1c APP:INFO: 1: cb1c/cb1b, expected: cb1b/cb1d APP:INFO: 1: cb1d/cb1c, expected: cb1c/cb1e APP:INFO: 1: cb1e/cb1d, expected: cb1d/cb1f APP:INFO: 1: cb1f/cb1e, expected: cb1e/cb20 APP:INFO: 1: cb20/cb1f, expected: cb1f/cb21 APP:INFO: 1: cb21/cb20, expected: cb20/cb22 APP:INFO: 1: cb22/cb21, expected: cb21/cb23 APP:INFO: 1: cb23/cb22, expected: cb22/cb24 APP:INFO: 1: cb24/cb23, expected: cb23/cb25 APP:INFO: 1: cb25/cb24, expected: cb24/cb26 APP:INFO: 1: cb26/cb25, expected: cb25/cb27 APP:INFO: 1: cb27/cb26, expected: cb26/cb28 Overflow Overflow Overflow Overflow

    This is the way I configured the I2S:

    config.sck_pin   = 31; //I2S_CONFIG_SCK_PIN;
    config.lrck_pin  = 30; //I2S_CONFIG_LRCK_PIN;
    config.mck_pin   = 27; //I2S_CONFIG_MCK_PIN;
    config.sdout_pin = 29; //I2S_SDOUT_PIN;
    config.sdin_pin  = 28; //I2S_SDIN_PIN;
    config.irq_priority = 0;
    config.mode      = NRF_I2S_MODE_MASTER;
    config.format    = NRF_I2S_FORMAT_ALIGNED;
    config.alignment = NRF_I2S_ALIGN_LEFT;
    config.sample_width = NRF_I2S_SWIDTH_16BIT;
    config.channels  = NRF_I2S_CHANNELS_STEREO;
    config.mck_setup = NRF_I2S_MCK_32MDIV4;
    config.ratio     = NRF_I2S_RATIO_256X;

    This configuration is OK?

    Thank you,


  • Hi Hakon,

    I am trying to use the I2S with DA7210. With my previous MCU I used the configuration:

    • MCU I2S master; CODEC I2S slave
    • sample rate: 32kpbs
    • 24 bit (in 32 bit two's complement with sigh extension)
    • MSB align
    • Stereo
    • Master CLK provided by MCU with ratio 256x (32kpbs x 256 = 8.192MHz)

    For that I tried to modify the example for pca10040 (I have a board with nRF52832) with nRF5x MDK 8.11.1 IAR + IAR 7.5

    When I tried to use this configuration I was unable to set the I2S.


    1. Can I use this configuration? The MCLK max speed (according to nRF52832_OPS_v0.6.2.pdf) is max 4Mhz (I need 8Mhz) - but according to nRF52832_PS_v1.0.pdf is a valid example (shown in table 101).

    2. Apparently the 24 bit limitation comes from driver: In library is hard coded to reject the configuration 24 bit with RATIO_256X. ((sample_width == NRF_I2S_SWIDTH_24BIT) && ((ratio == NRF_I2S_RATIO_32X) || (ratio == NRF_I2S_RATIO_64X) || (ratio == NRF_I2S_RATIO_128X) || (ratio == NRF_I2S_RATIO_256X) || (ratio == NRF_I2S_RATIO_512X)))) Also 16 bits has some limitations: ((sample_width == NRF_I2S_SWIDTH_16BIT) && (ratio == NRF_I2S_RATIO_48X))

    3. Another problem I have is that even with 16 bits is not reading the data back correctly if I connect the scope (10pF , 1Mohm) to I2C_SCK. Below you have the log. I don't understand why behaves like that ... is like the bytes are delayed. In the end we have overflow.

      APP:INFO: 1: 0000/cafd, expected: cafd/caff APP:INFO: 1: caff/cafe, expected: cafe/cb00 APP:INFO: 1: cb00/caff, expected: caff/cb01 APP:INFO: 1: cb01/cb00, expected: cb00/cb02 APP:INFO: 1: cb02/cb01, expected: cb01/cb03 APP:INFO: 1: cb03/cb02, expected: cb02/cb04 APP:INFO: 1: cb04/cb03, expected: cb03/cb05 APP:INFO: 1: cb05/cb04, expected: cb04/cb06 APP:INFO: 1: cb06/cb05, expected: cb05/cb07 APP:INFO: 1: cb07/cb06, expected: cb06/cb08 APP:INFO: 1: cb08/cb07, expected: cb07/cb09 APP:INFO: 1: cb09/cb08, expected: cb08/cb0a APP:INFO: 1: cb0a/cb09, expected: cb09/cb0b APP:INFO: 1: cb0b/cb0a, expected: cb0a/cb0c APP:INFO: 1: cb0c/cb0b, expected: cb0b/cb0d APP:INFO: 1: cb0d/cb0c, expected: cb0c/cb0e APP:INFO: 1: cb0e/cb0d, expected: cb0d/cb0f APP:INFO: 1: cb0f/cb0e, expected: cb0e/cb10 APP:INFO: 1: cb10/cb0f, expected: cb0f/cb11 APP:INFO: 1: cb11/cb10, expected: cb10/cb12 APP:INFO: 1: cb12/cb11, expected: cb11/cb13 APP:INFO: 1: cb13/cb12, expected: cb12/cb14 APP:INFO: 1: cb14/cb13, expected: cb13/cb15 APP:INFO: 1: cb15/cb14, expected: cb14/cb16 APP:INFO: 1: cb16/cb15, expected: cb15/cb17 APP:INFO: 1: cb17/cb16, expected: cb16/cb18 APP:INFO: 1: cb18/cb17, expected: cb17/cb19 APP:INFO: 1: cb19/cb18, expected: cb18/cb1a APP:INFO: 1: cb1a/cb19, expected: cb19/cb1b APP:INFO: 1: cb1b/cb1a, expected: cb1a/cb1c APP:INFO: 1: cb1c/cb1b, expected: cb1b/cb1d APP:INFO: 1: cb1d/cb1c, expected: cb1c/cb1e APP:INFO: 1: cb1e/cb1d, expected: cb1d/cb1f APP:INFO: 1: cb1f/cb1e, expected: cb1e/cb20 APP:INFO: 1: cb20/cb1f, expected: cb1f/cb21 APP:INFO: 1: cb21/cb20, expected: cb20/cb22 APP:INFO: 1: cb22/cb21, expected: cb21/cb23 APP:INFO: 1: cb23/cb22, expected: cb22/cb24 APP:INFO: 1: cb24/cb23, expected: cb23/cb25 APP:INFO: 1: cb25/cb24, expected: cb24/cb26 APP:INFO: 1: cb26/cb25, expected: cb25/cb27 APP:INFO: 1: cb27/cb26, expected: cb26/cb28 Overflow Overflow Overflow Overflow

    This is the way I configured the I2S:

    config.sck_pin   = 31; //I2S_CONFIG_SCK_PIN;
    config.lrck_pin  = 30; //I2S_CONFIG_LRCK_PIN;
    config.mck_pin   = 27; //I2S_CONFIG_MCK_PIN;
    config.sdout_pin = 29; //I2S_SDOUT_PIN;
    config.sdin_pin  = 28; //I2S_SDIN_PIN;
    config.irq_priority = 0;
    config.mode      = NRF_I2S_MODE_MASTER;
    config.format    = NRF_I2S_FORMAT_ALIGNED;
    config.alignment = NRF_I2S_ALIGN_LEFT;
    config.sample_width = NRF_I2S_SWIDTH_16BIT;
    config.channels  = NRF_I2S_CHANNELS_STEREO;
    config.mck_setup = NRF_I2S_MCK_32MDIV4;
    config.ratio     = NRF_I2S_RATIO_256X;

    This configuration is OK?

    Thank you,


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