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ble_app_hrs connection timeout


I am testing the ble_app_hrs project on two eval boards, with s110 and s120. Everything works. If I power-off the peripheral board (s110), it seems that the master board restart scanning around 5 seconds later. Is there a way to restart scanning earlier ? What is the shortest time ?



  • Thanks for your time Ole! When I change the value CONN_MNGR_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT from 4000 to 1000, I observe that the connection is reset around one second after the peripheral has been power-off. That is nice but I need shorter time. If I set this value to 900, then I have the following problem: the Central scan. If I power on the Peripheral then the Central stop scanning but it does not receive a "connection requested". The peripheral continue advertising. Should I modify something to the peripheral side ?

  • Thanks for your time Ole! When I change the value CONN_MNGR_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT from 4000 to 1000, I observe that the connection is reset around one second after the peripheral has been power-off. That is nice but I need shorter time. If I set this value to 900, then I have the following problem: the Central scan. If I power on the Peripheral then the Central stop scanning but it does not receive a "connection requested". The peripheral continue advertising. Should I modify something to the peripheral side ?

  • I'd again suggest that you reread the question I linked to. As you should be able to understand from that, having a supervision timeout shorter than the connection interval is meaningless.

    Normally, I'd recommend to keep the supervision timeout at least 3*(slave latency+1), to allow for some packets lost without considering the link lost. This is however dependent on what is most important for your application.

    To be able to successfully make a BLE product it is essential that you thoroughly understand the parameters involved, so I'd recommend you to spend some time reading up.
