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Proximity Concept


currently I am thinking about the proximity concept. The following scenario is given:

  • We have a Display that shoud lock/unlock a Device
  • We have a iPhone as Key The Device with the Monitor should be locked until the iPhone comes close to the display.

The question is, what role the iPhone and the display shoud take? Which device is reporter (peripheral role) and which device is monitor (central role)?

Quote from the proximity specification: "A Proximity Reporter is likely to be an LE-only device, and therefore it should be in the GAP Peripheral role and the Proximity Monitor should be in the GAP Central role"

The Display is powered by a battery and is therefore such as the iPhone a LE-only device. I would understand it so, that in this case the iPhone is the key and thus takes the peripheral role. I'm not sure if it also make sense if the Display is the Reporter and the iPhone is the Monitor.

Furthermore, we want to have the possibility if the Display is in Central Role, to store to which reporter ist shoud connect to. It is possible to store connection informatios permently as with the bond manager?

  • The part you quote from the specification is a "should", so you're not really bound by this. In general, I'd recommend you to make the device with the biggest battery be the Central device, and the other device the Peripheral. The reason is that scanning for Peripherals advertising is a current-intensive operation.

    Also, one thing to consider is that Android is currently not capable of being a Peripheral, so if you want to support this platform, you're most likely better off letting your devices be Peripherals and that the phone is the Central.

    It sounds as if it should be perfectly possible to have the Display be a Peripheral, that the iPhone will connect to as soon as it is within range.

    You can store whatever information you want in flash, including for example which device to connect to. A future SDK version will include a module making this easier.

  • Thanks for your answer.

    The Display hath the smallest battery, so we will choose the display as peripheral device.
