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Programming nRF51822 without kits

Hi, I'm very new to programming microcontroller, so please go easy on me. :(

Firstly, apology if my post sounded weird, this is because English is not my first language. Secondly, I am sorry if these questions sound stupid or perhaps already asked (it's a bit hard to find exact same question as I have right now)

I'm using this chip as a part of my final year project for my bachelor degree. My supervisor agreed to buy me a nRF51822 chip on its own, but refuses to buy evaluation or development kit, as their price are above $100. I will be using J-Link EDU because that is the only affordable programming board I can choose with my current limitation.

I am trying to set up the programming environment to program the chip on my computer (the chip hasn't arrived yet). However, I have no idea where to start, considering that there are red locks in nRF51822 download tab that I can't access.

Anyway, onto the main questions: [b]1. I believe that I need to get nRF51822, programmer board and IDE to program nRF51822, is this right?

  1. What do I really need to download from nRF51822 "Download" tab to actually start programming? (I suspect that I only need the SDK stuff, considering that I don't have any kits, but I'm unsure)

  2. Does the SDK zip file or installer includes IDE/Studio? (like AVRStudio for ATMEGA chips) 3.1. If it doesn't come with IDE, is there a recommended IDE/Studio I should integrate this SDK with?[/b]

Again, I apologize if this question has been asked before. Also, I am sorry if this post sounded like a lazy person questions. But I am truly confused about where to start + what to do at this point, I wish there was a FAQ or "getting started" page for this.

There was a subject in our uni about programming MCU, but the subject skipped a lot of important details and feels like "just follow the instruction", so that was not very helpful and still left me confused when I have to program the chip on my own.

  • Sadly Nordic don't permit download and licensing of the SDK without the product key from an EVK or DK. The DK is available for $99 from Mouser though so perhaps that'd be an option for you (I know some supervisors can be very stingy, you may need to be a little persistent)?

    The easiest to set up option is the Windows installer for the SDK and uVision 4 IDE from Keil (there is a free version).

  • Sadly Nordic don't permit download and licensing of the SDK without the product key from an EVK or DK. The DK is available for $99 from Mouser though so perhaps that'd be an option for you (I know some supervisors can be very stingy, you may need to be a little persistent)?

    The easiest to set up option is the Windows installer for the SDK and uVision 4 IDE from Keil (there is a free version).
