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nRF51822 over the air bootloader with gcc

For my current project, I need to compile the »over the air bootloader« with gcc (because our buildserver runs on linux, developers using Mac … no Windows and no Keil so far).

But unfortunaly, the bootloader example from the sdk (5.1) examples won't compile with gcc. It's missing gcc makefile and even there are at least 2 Keil specific files in the project (arm_startup_nrf51.s and bootloader_util_arm.c).

Could you provide support to help me on this topic?

I'd also checked:-

  • Dear all,

    I have somewhat strange DFU behaviour, the bootloader starts and advertises, connection is also possible, but as soon as I press "Upload" it fails. I couldnt debug it while in the SoftDevice.

    Tried both ios apps "nRF Loader" and DFU from "nRF Toolbox", also same failer with hex or bin file. With the sniffer I can see some packages sent, the progressbar goes to 1% and then "asserts"/fails.

    Anyone has had similar issue?

    Here is my env: s110_nrf51822_6.0.0_softdevice.hex nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_39364 is used, on the DevKit nrg6310 board.

    my src zip is attached, I read again and again this thread, seems to have all your comments in. Or am I missing something?

    image description

    EDIT: make log file attached

  • Attach the console output of your make, please. Have you successfully compiled & ran e.g hrs example?

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