I'm trying to use a 32 bit service UUID, but it doesn't seem to be supported by SDK 10 or SDK 12
Looking in the HRS it has this code
which is passed to
But BLE_UUID_TYPE_BLE is a 16 bit UUID and I can't see 32 bit defined in the list that ble_advertising_init uses
#define BLE_UUID_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0x00 /**< Invalid UUID type. */
#define BLE_UUID_TYPE_BLE 0x01 /**< Bluetooth SIG UUID (16-bit). */
#define BLE_UUID_TYPE_VENDOR_BEGIN 0x02 /**< Vendor UUID types start at this index (128-bit). */
I can see 32 bit listed in gap.h
Is it possible to use 32 bit service uuids and use ble_advertising_init or to use 32 bit UUID's do i need to do this some other way
Or is 32 bit not supported ?