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nrfutil v0.52 dfu serial / ble - HCI packet in terminal


I'm using nrfutil to update my nRF52832.

I change target from nRF51822 to nRF52832 and I want be able to bootload my target through own master.

In past, I used in verbose mode to convert hex file in HCI packet frame.

I would make the think nrfutil.

Can you tell me how can I print in console HCI packet into dfu_transport_serial / send_packet() function?

DFU based on SDK 11.0

  • Could tell me if the nrfutil v0.52 is able to make DFU BLE OTA ?

    When I get help with command: nrfutil dfu ble --help. The ble command is not available.

    HCI packet generated.51b

    I modify the nrfutil code v0.52 to add BLE OTA DFU functionality.

    I have an error during "compilation":

      File "nordicsemi/", line 346, in ble
        ble_backend = DfuTransportBle(serial_port=str(port),target_device_addr=str(a
    TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class DfuTransportBle with abstract method
    s get_last_error, get_received_response, is_waiting_for_notification, send_contr
    ol_data, send_packet_data

    Any idea?

    I found the solution to generate HCI packet. I have removed the communication protocol BLE / UART and replace sending abstract method by printing packet in terminal

  • I have tried to use the "" but without success. I'm not familiar with Python.

    I will try this. If you have any information about incompatibility, please keep me in touch.

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