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NRF52 SPI cant perform successive transferts

I'm trying to read 8 adc channels using SPI, but then if I dont put some nrf_delay_ms the MISO return nothing and the CS is being driven low by default, high or a period of a bit and low again (I should get the opposite with low state being hold until the end of stansfer)

but then if I add 1ms delay between two successive SPI reads it works fine. the issue is that I should read the 8 channels every 5ms.

how can I perform multiple spi stransfer without a delay between them ?

while (curr_cell < 8) {


            if ((curr_cell >= 2) && (change_channel == false)) {
                change_channel = true;

            //ADC in single mode
            spi_tx_buf[1] = (uint8_t) ((pressure_context.adc_channel &  0x01) << 6);
            //Don't care last bits
            spi_rx_buf[0] = 0;
            spi_rx_buf[1] = 0;
            spi_rx_buf[2] = 0;

            spi_xfer_done = false;
            nrf_drv_spi_transfer(spi, spi_tx_buf, 3, spi_rx_buf, 3);
            while (!spi_xfer_done)
            value = (uint16_t)(((spi_rx_buf[1] & 0x000F) << 8) + spi_rx_buf[2]);
            pressure_context.pressure_val[curr_cell % 8] = value;
            last_cell = curr_cell;