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Secure bootloader upload failed: UNKNOWN (8202)


I've been trying to integrate the secure bootloader witrh SDK12 into my device, which had been working fine with the old bootloader and SDK11.

I've swapped everything over, and finally got the bootloader to boot into my application. The only real gotcha was that the bootloader setting had changed, so if I just merged all the hex files it failed to load the application.

To fix that, I just removed the bootloder settings from 0x3F000 and tweaked the check in nrf_dfu_app_is_valid to allow the app even if bank_0.bank_code was 0. Is there a better way - like a way to build a hex file for the correct settings?

Anyway, with that change, and the bootloader running, I get upload failed: UNKNOWN (8202) when trying to upload from the Nordic Android app. The device itself has lit the LED showing that it's connected.

So how do I find out what Error 8202 means? I don't see any obvious mention of it (or 200A, the hex version) in the source.... And any thoughts on how it can be fixed? I figure if there was some version or encryption mismatch then it would have come up with a 'proper' error?


  • i did everything according to your instructions. i am using nRF5_SDK_13.0.0-1.alpha_055eef3 ands132_nrf52_5.0.0-1.alpha_softdevice and used nRF5_SDK_13.0.0-1.alpha_055eef3\examples\dfu\bootloader_secure\pca10040\arm5_no_packs_build example for secure DFU using OTA . but everytime i try i get the same 8202 error when i use nRF toolbox app and "[DFU] Remote DFU error: REMOTE DFU OPERATION FAILED" when I use Nrf connect app . I used following command .

    nrfutil pkg generate --hw-version 52 --application-version 1 --application nrf52832_xxaa_s132.hex --sd-req 0x9D --key-file my_secret_private_key.pem .

    But this zip package created doesnt upload . when i use the following command

    nrfutil dfu ble -f -pkg -ic NRF52

    i got this error

    pc_ble_driver_py.exceptions.NordicSemiException: Timeout. Target device not found.

    what should i do now ?

  • as i am using 132_nrf52_5.0.0-1.alpha_softdevice so sq-req 0x9D must be used for that .you CAN CHECK your sd-req by using this command: nrfutil pkg generate --help

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