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mbed in nRF51822 Bluetooth Smart Beacon Kit


I have tested mbed Classic and mbed OS with CLI and Yotta and works with nRF51-DK and nRF52-DK. Also with Eclipse Neon.1 with yotta build Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja.

But, is possible to use mbed OS 5 with nRF51822 Ble Beacon Kit?

It's possible to load mbed firmware throught SWD?

image description


  • 4.3 Interface MCU firmware The on board Interface MCU is factory programmed with an mbed compliant bootloader, this feature enables the ability to swap interface firmware between the factory preloaded SEGGER J-Link OB and the nRF51 mbed interface firmware, see section 4.1 “IF Boot/Reset button” on page 8 on how to enter the bootloader.

    Then the only option is adding an MCU ?

    • It's possible to load mbed firmware throught SWD?


    • is possible to use mbed OS 5 with nRF51822 Ble Beacon Kit?

    May depend on the beacon kit version you have. The last revision (1.3.0) has a chip with same amount of RAM and flash and same revision as the one on the DK, so that one should work. Older revisions will have less RAM (1.2.1 and older) and may also have a older revision of the chip (1.1.0). Things may not work on these kits. See here for more info about the versions of the beacon kit.

    If the code uses buttons and LEDs you need to change the pin definitions for these to make it work. The beacon kit has two buttons and one RGB LED.
