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Could you inspec my flash function?

Dear Nordic guy,I'm developing with nrf51822 (6.0 stack binary and 5.0 SDK). I recently updated the code and stack binary(6.0 stack binary and 5.0 SDK). My function is not working well.I can't read and write. Please inspect my code.My developing environment is worse,so I can't debugging using debugger.

original hrs profile

// Module initialization routine to be called once by the application. uint32_t pstorage_init(void) { cmd_queue_init(); m_next_app_instance = 0; m_next_page_addr = PSTORAGE_DATA_START_ADDR; m_module_initialized = true;

for(unsigned int index = 0; index < PSTORAGE_MAX_APPLICATIONS; index++) { m_app_table[index].cb = NULL; m_app_table[index].block_size = 0; m_app_table[index].no_of_pages = 0; m_app_table[index].block_count = 0; }

#ifdef PSTORAGE_RAW_MODE_ENABLE m_raw_app_table.cb = NULL; m_raw_app_table.no_of_pages = 0; #endif //PSTORAGE_RAW_MODE_ENABLE return NRF_SUCCESS; }

bond_manager_init(){ ........... pstorage_init(); ...........

#if 1//add by me nv_init(); #endif }

add by me

#define MAX_DB_IN_WEEK 40

typedef struct { uint8_t medication_id[MAX_DB_IN_WEEK]; uint16_t year[MAX_DB_IN_WEEK]; uint8_t month[MAX_DB_IN_WEEK]; uint8_t day[MAX_DB_IN_WEEK]; uint8_t hours[MAX_DB_IN_WEEK]; uint8_t minutes[MAX_DB_IN_WEEK]; uint8_t taken_num[MAX_DB_IN_WEEK];//for the future } nv_info_data_t;

static void ans_pstorage_callback(pstorage_handle_t * handle, uint8_t op_code, uint32_t reason, uint8_t * p_data, uint32_t param_len) { }

uint32_t nv_init(void) {

uint32_t err_code; pstorage_module_param_t param;

param.block_size = sizeof (nv_info_data_t) + sizeof (uint32_t); param.block_count = 1; param.cb = ans_pstorage_callback;

// Register with storage module. err_code = pstorage_register(&param, &m_nv_handle);

return err_code; }

uint32_t nv_page_write(nv_info_data_t * p_message) { uint32_t err_code;

err_code = pstorage_store(&m_nv_handle, (uint8_t *) p_message, sizeof (nv_info_data_t), 0); return err_code; }

uint32_t nv_page_read(nv_info_data_t * p_message) {

uint32_t err_code;

err_code = pstorage_load((uint8_t *)p_message, &m_nv_handle, sizeof (nv_info_data_t), 0);

return err_code; }

uint32_t nv_page_delete(void) { return pstorage_clear(&m_nv_handle, 0); }

  • On first glance this looks quite ok, but it's hard to find problems when you're not detailing how things fail. What exactly doesn't work, and what actually happens? Do you always get success back from all pstorage function calls? Remember that pstorage is an asynchronous library, so even when the store returns success, data have not been written before you get your callback function. When calling nv_page_write() you must therefore make sure that whatever data struct you pass a pointer to remains in scope until you get this callback, or else you'll see very strange results.

    Also, what problem do you have with debugging? I'd recommend you trying to get this working, since it should make it easier to find issues. If you need help with this, I suggest that you post these questions separately.

    Finally, if you could supply the complete project, either here or in a support case, I'd be happy to take a look on it and test it out here.
