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SPI master RX problem with reception


I use SPI Master driver to communicate with a flash memory.

I use SDK 12 and i use nrf_drv_spi_transfer(...); to write and read over SPI.

My problem is the following : I write 4 bytes of command and 2 bytes of reception. I received 6bytes with the two last bytes with my answer.

So my RX buffer have some useless data.

How can i only received usefull data ?

write on spi write on spi

TX buffer init TX buffer init

SPI configuration SPI configuration

SPI handler & buffer init SPI handler & buffer init

Result of the spi write/read Result of the spi write/read

As you can see, the case 0 to 3 are useless data. I dont want it.


  • My first choice because of the price. today, visual studio + gdb is about 700 €. and it's a performent IDE. I think for more complex embedded system, keil or iar are most efficient but for my entreprise application's it is more than sufficient. the second thing is that i use xamarin to developp my BLE application on android & IOS. So for 1 IDE byu and his extension, i can develop my smartphone application and my embedded program.

  • My first choice because of the price. today, visual studio + gdb is about 700 €. and it's a performent IDE. I think for more complex embedded system, keil or iar are most efficient but for my entreprise application's it is more than sufficient. the second thing is that i use xamarin to developp my BLE application on android & IOS. So for 1 IDE byu and his extension, i can develop my smartphone application and my embedded program.

No Data