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UART CONFIG in nrf51 reference manual

Section 28.9.9 of the nrf51 reference manual shows the Config register has 3 defined bits, BBA. A is for Hardware Flow Control and is one bit, 0 or 1, which makes sense.

However the description for parity, which has the two BB bits, has exclude parity as 0x0 and include parity as 0x7, which would need 3 bits, not two.

Also the reset value is defined to be '100', ie a value of 0x2 for BB which is neither 0x0 nor 0x7. What is the format of this field really and what is the default reset value?

I note also that in section 28.9.10 the Reset Value of BAUDRATE (0x0198000) is none of the values in the table below it. Is that reset value correct?

  • There is a PAN #40 on reading the CONFIG register, basically saying that reading this register will always give bogus data. This is the reason for the apparently wrong reset value for this register, and should hence should not have any consequences.

    However, the reset value for the BAUDRATE register seems to be a bug in the Reference Manual, as the real reset value is 0x04000000 (i.e. 250000 baud). I've reported this internally, so thanks for letting us know!
