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nRF UART example with PCA10001 and PCA10000


I'm trying the nRF UART example but I can't get it to work.

I have opened the uart_example project in uVision and loaded it to PCA10001.

Then I opened the Master Emulator example nRFUart project in Visual Studio and start execute the code. The application starts and after awhile it says "Ready to connect". But when I press Connect, it says Scanning but it does not find anything...

Have someone else tried the example?

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  • Hi again,

    thank you for your response!

    I did not have the right firmware. I switch to the one you wrote, and it did get better. Now I can connect and the window application says "Ready to send".

    I have tried to send text and it seems to be ok. But if I press the "Send 100kB data" button it says "Started sending data..." and it goes on forever... In the output window in Visual Studio in says: 942;13:33:14.0302 [] Waiting for HCI_Num_Completed_Packets_Event, 612 second(s) elapsed

    The "Stop data transfer" do not work so I can't stop the transfers either...

    The same thing happens if I try to send a file with more than 20 letters.

    Another question, can I connect the PCA10001 to a computer via USB and use a terminal window to see that it receives the text I send?

    BR Marru
