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nRF51822 mkit

Nordic will release a new development kit in april, named mkit. It is based on arm mbed.

Writing a ble app will be easy, fast and simple using mbed BLE API.

My question to Nordic is : Will Nordic provide a mac os x version (patch) of CMSIS-DAP debugger for its chip ? or all os x developers will be left :( :( :( .


  • libhid, yes that's partly what I meant when I wondered why they made the device a HID. I don't hold a lot of hope out for the OpenOCD fork either, and if they do pull it off I still don't know what on-mac debugger we'd be using. Eclipse probably. Xcode has lost any extensibility it used to have, there's a couple others have said OSX support is coming.

    I can see why it is this way, embedded development just hasn't been done on Mac in the past, the tools just don't exist, there are only a handful of Mac dev platforms worth using and none of those were designed for embedded. So when ARM went to find a platform to write a reference CMSIS-DAP they picked someone they knew, Keil. There's probably a huge opportunity out there for someone to sell a proper OSX embedded dev environment.

    I agree with you, BLE has changed the world and kits like the ones we're using from Nordic, and others, have put embedded development into the hands of individuals and small groups (although the Bluetooth group just shot itself in the foot with the change in fee structure). Tools haven't caught up yet.

  • libhid, yes that's partly what I meant when I wondered why they made the device a HID. I don't hold a lot of hope out for the OpenOCD fork either, and if they do pull it off I still don't know what on-mac debugger we'd be using. Eclipse probably. Xcode has lost any extensibility it used to have, there's a couple others have said OSX support is coming.

    I can see why it is this way, embedded development just hasn't been done on Mac in the past, the tools just don't exist, there are only a handful of Mac dev platforms worth using and none of those were designed for embedded. So when ARM went to find a platform to write a reference CMSIS-DAP they picked someone they knew, Keil. There's probably a huge opportunity out there for someone to sell a proper OSX embedded dev environment.

    I agree with you, BLE has changed the world and kits like the ones we're using from Nordic, and others, have put embedded development into the hands of individuals and small groups (although the Bluetooth group just shot itself in the foot with the change in fee structure). Tools haven't caught up yet.

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