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Does Nordic has toy firms that embedded BLE solutions allready?


My name is Meron Wilf and I'm the founder of ToyBee. We develop a solution - script enviornment and protocols for toy firms that seek to gain access to interactive market arena. Before we dive into other issues, are there case studies in toy market that involve Nordic BLE solutions? Are there any case studies that are'nt RC toys?



  • All that a BLE device can do you can utilize inside a toy.

    nRF51822 is BLE compliant, so , it runs exactly as stated from Bluetooth SIG.

    From a final user point of view (more exactly from a point of view of its smartphone or any other device used to create a connection) if the toy uses Nordic or any other silicon there are no differences (all are Bluetooth Low Energy).

    From a system integrator point of view things changes radically and every silicon has its peculiarities.


  • We don't have any case studies as such, but if you browse our press releases, you can see that our chips have been used in some toy applications over the years, the latest one being the slot cars from Scalelectrix.

    I'm not quite sure what you're looking for, but you may also benefit from getting in touch with a local Nordic sales manager for your area, who may be able to tell you more about the toy market. If you send me a PM for your location, I can give you his contact information.
