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nRF51822 External Debugger


We would like to switch to a stand alone debugger for nRF51822, However in the product specs ( mentioning that standalone programmer/debugger has to be Jlink lite or Jlink Pro. Where Jlink Pro is quitely high priced.

My question is:
can we use J-Link(*) Basic JTAG Emulator (Not PRO or the lite one) for programing.

Thanks Berkan

  • Hi Berkan,

    Any Segger-debugger which supports SWD and CortexM-series should suffice. The "J-Link Basic JTAG Emulator" will work. It's the same model as this:

    Note that you will have to get a 20-to-9 pin SWD converter in addition.

    Note that if you buy the nRF51822 Development kit, you will get a J-Link Lite CortexM debugger in the bundle (however, the Devkit requires that you have a nRFgo Motherboard to function properly).

    The nice thing about the J-Link Basic you linked to is that it supports a wider voltage area compared to the above mentioned J-Link Lite.

    Best regards Håkon

  • Hi Berkan,

    Any Segger-debugger which supports SWD and CortexM-series should suffice. The "J-Link Basic JTAG Emulator" will work. It's the same model as this:

    Note that you will have to get a 20-to-9 pin SWD converter in addition.

    Note that if you buy the nRF51822 Development kit, you will get a J-Link Lite CortexM debugger in the bundle (however, the Devkit requires that you have a nRFgo Motherboard to function properly).

    The nice thing about the J-Link Basic you linked to is that it supports a wider voltage area compared to the above mentioned J-Link Lite.

    Best regards Håkon
