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task time of radio from DISABLE to RX


i hava a sender and it send a frame every 15ms ,not use any protocol,and reciver code like as follow:
while (1) {
    Rf_StartRx(ReciverSC.RfBufPointer, ReciverSC.RfBufLen, 7);   // start up and enter RX
    while (0 == ReciverSC.FlagRfRecv); // wait for recive a frame
    ReciverSC.FlagRfRecv = 0;
    Rf_Stop(); //stop and disable RADIO
    SystemTick_ForceSleep(10); //goto sleep,10ms

the time of SystemTick_ForceSleep must less then 10ms,otherwise it will lose other words,Reciver must enter RX 5ms in advance before Sender send a frame,i think somewhere wrong but i cant fint id,can anyone help me?
