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Is it possible keep advertising when ancs connecting?

Hi, I'm using SDK12.1 example ble_app_ancs_c. Is it possible keep advertising (non-connectable is ok) when ancs connecting? And how to do it?

I tried call advertising_start() at on_ble_evt->BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED. But got error.

Sincerely, Kirby

  • OK, after try and error, now it can advertising when ancs connecting... I'm not sure it's right or not, please help me check it~

    1. Add another initial.
    static void non_connectable_advertising_init(void)
        uint32_t             err_code;    
    		ble_gap_adv_params_t adv_params;
    		memset(&adv_params, 0, sizeof(ble_gap_adv_params_t));
    		adv_params.type        = BLE_GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_NONCONN_IND ;
    		adv_params.p_peer_addr = NULL;
    		adv_params.fp          = BLE_GAP_ADV_FP_ANY;
    		adv_params.interval    = 200 ;
    		adv_params.timeout     = 0;
    		adv_params.p_whitelist =NULL;
    		err_code = sd_ble_gap_adv_start(&adv_params);

    And call this new function when connected.

    static void on_ble_evt(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)
        uint32_t err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
        switch (p_ble_evt->header.evt_id)
            case BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED:
                err_code = bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_CONNECTED);
                m_cur_conn_handle = p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.conn_handle;
                err_code = app_timer_start(m_sec_req_timer_id, SECURITY_REQUEST_DELAY, NULL);
    	        non_connectable_advertising_init();  //<===here.
                break; // BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED

    Now, it will keep advertising after connected. can connect it again, I already set to BLE_GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_NONCONN_IND . Still don't know why still can connect.

  • Looks correct. You should only be able to do non-connectable advertising while you are in a connection, and you shouldn't be able to connect to non-connectable advertising. Are you saying that you are able to connect to it while you are connected to it? Or are you connecting with another device while you are connect to it? Please clarify.

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