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RemoteUserTerminatedConnection reason causes disconnection between central and peripheral

Hi all,

I am a new user to the BLE technology and to the Nordic's development tools/chips. I use the nRF51822 development kit and the nRFgo Starter kit to develop a BLE application and the PCA10000 USB dongle to receive data. The PCA10000 is the central (GATT client) and PCA10004 is the peripheral (GATT server). I have implemented a custom service with one characteristic in the peripheral, based on Nordic's template application. I have also implemented a computer software in C# to be connected with peripheral device. Central and peripheral are being connected successfully and I can send notification from the peripheral to the central. After about a minute the connection between them is lost. The DisconnectReason is "RemoteUserTerminatedConnection". I noticed that when I use the Master Control Panel software from Nordic with the peripheral, this disconnection does not happened. I also noticed that this also happens in the HealthThermoDemo example application and there the application is reconnecting.

Should this disconnection happen? I want to maintain the connection for longer than a minute. After disconnection, I try to connect again but I fail. After a connection request, using the masterEmulator.connect(), the peripheral seems to be connected (starter kit LED1 lights on and LED0 lights off) but C# software could not connect. Any thoughts ot recommendations about why disconnection happens only in C# software and not in Master Control Panel and how can avoid that or why C# software cannot reconnect, are appreciated.

I use SDK 5.1, softDevice 110 v.6.0 and Visual Studio Express 2012.

Thanks in advance, John
