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Impossible to debug or flash the examples with IAR & CMSIS-DAP

Description: It is not possible to flash or debug an application with IAR on the Nordic target. This issue is caused by a bad interaction between CMSIS-DAP IF present on the Nordic boards and IAR CMSIS-DAP debug driver.

Workaround: The best solution is to switch to the JLINK IF image and configure the IAR project to use it.

  • Download the JLink IF and install it on the board.
  • Open the exported project in IAR then go to its options.
  • Go to the debugger section
  • In the setup tab choose J-link/J-trace as the debug driver.
  • In the Download tab disable the Use flash loader(s) option.
  • In the Extra options tabs, tick the Use command line options and add the following content: --drv_vector_table_base=0x0.

This issue is a mirror of github issue
