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nRF51822 ble_app_hrs_c doesn't work.

Hi! I have a problem with testing ble_app_hrs_c. I am using nRF51822 develpment board + nRFgo Motherboard. Softdevice is S120 1.0.0 1alpha, SDK version is 5.10. Specifically after execute line 338 in cnn_mngr.c file ( uint32_t retval = sd_ble_gap_scan_start(&m_scan_param); ) retval is 0x00003001, wich means NRF_ERROR_SVC_HANDLER_MISSING. I don't understand what is a reason of this error. How to fix this error? I am trying to modify ble_app_hrs_c to test data transfer rate in my custom app. Is there another way to test it?

Best regards, Kuba

  • Hi,

    I had the same problem. I noticed that version 0.8.0-3 of S120 works fine for me. After flashing version S120 1.0 it wasn't recognized by nrf studio as s120 softdevice. Using version 0.8.0-3 it is visible in nRFStudio as softdevice by displaying S120_nRF51822-0.8.0-3.alpha as FW in region 0.

  • This is more or less the same question as here, just with a different softdevice. In summary, you must make sure to use the correct header files for the correct softdevice. SDK 5.1.0 includes the header files for S120 version 0.8.0, and if you try to use it directly with 1.0.0, you'll see issues like this.

    To make it work, you can either roll back to 0.8.0 for now, or replace the header files in Include\s120 with the ones from the S120 1.0.0 zip. The latter may also require other changes to the source code.

    I suppose that future SDK versions will be upgraded to work with S120 1.0.0.
