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I2C driver problem?

I am using PCA10040 evaluation board to test I2C connection.

I tried twi_scanner sample code in SDK 12.

I wired SCL and SDA pins to D0 and D1 to a PicoScope device. image description

When the code was running, I captured signals from those two pins. image description image description

The clock and data lines are completely wrong, right?

  1. The clock cycles are far below expected: at least 8 for for one write, isn't it?
  2. Data line should start before clock line; but in my capture, they started to fall at almost the same time.

Can anyone explain why?

I also did another test with the following code:

int main(void) { nrf_gpio_cfg_output(ARDUINO_SCL_PIN); nrf_gpio_cfg_output(ARDUINO_SDA_PIN);

  for (address = 1; address <= TWI_ADDRESSES; address++)


The captured two pins signals are as good as expected, which means my way of the signal monitoring is correct, unless for I2C wiring there are special settings I missed. image description
