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pc-ble-driver-py - sd_ble_gap_sec_params_reply fails

I have been using the pc-ble-driver Python bindings to implement a peripheral. I have extended BLEDriver to support sd_ble_gatts_* the functions. I now have a working peripheral, however I have a problem when trying to support bonding.

When the central tries to bond, my code receives a BLE_GAP_EVT_SEC_PARAMS_REQUEST event. I then call BleDriver.ble_gap_sec_params_reply. However the driver appears to hang at this point, as sd_ble_gap_sec_params_reply never returns (I don't even get an error code). I'm using the latest pc-ble-driver-py module on Linux with connectivity_1.0.1_115k2_with_s130_2.0.1.hex on a NRF51 development board.

UPDATE: I've changed the code to call sd_ble_gap_sec_params_reply on the main thread, as suggested by below. The call now returns instead of hanging, but fails with error code 3 (Internal Error). I've updated the below code to show this:

import sys
import time 
import logging
import threading

from pc_ble_driver_py.observers import BLEDriverObserver


def init(conn_ic_id):
    global BLEDriver, BLEAdvData, BLEGapSecStatus, BLEGapSecParams, BLEGapIOCaps, BLEGapSecKDist
    from pc_ble_driver_py import config
    config.__conn_ic_id__ = conn_ic_id
    from pc_ble_driver_py.ble_driver import BLEDriver, BLEAdvData, BLEGapSecStatus, BLEGapSecParams, BLEGapIOCaps, BLEGapSecKDist

class PeripheralTest(BLEDriverObserver):

    def on_gap_evt_connected(self, ble_driver, conn_handle, peer_addr, role, conn_params):
        print('on_gap_evt_connected - conn_handle: {} role: {}'.format(conn_handle, role))

    def on_gap_evt_disconnected(self, ble_driver, conn_handle, reason):
        print('on_gap_evt_disconnected - conn_handle: {} reason: {}'.format(conn_handle, reason))

    def on_gap_evt_sec_params_request(self, ble_driver, conn_handle, peer_params):
        print('on_gap_evt_sec_params_request - conn_handle'.format('conn_handle'))
        for k in ('bond', 'mitm', 'lesc', 'keypress', 'io_caps', 'oob', 'min_key_size', 'max_key_size'):
            val = getattr(peer_params, k)
            print('\t{}: {}'.format(k, val))
        self.sec_params_requested = (ble_driver, conn_handle)
    def do_sec_params_reply(self):
        ble_driver, conn_handle = self.sec_params_requested
        self.sec_params_requested = None
        sec_params = BLEGapSecParams(bond = 1, mitm = 0, lesc = 0,keypress = 0, io_caps = BLEGapIOCaps.none, oob = 0, 
            min_key_size = 7, max_key_size = 16,
            kdist_own = BLEGapSecKDist(enc=1, id=1, sign=0, link=0),
            kdist_peer = BLEGapSecKDist(enc=1, id=1, sign=0, link=0))
        # this is now called on the main thread, but returns error code 3 - NRF_ERROR_INTERNAL
        ble_driver.ble_gap_sec_params_reply(conn_handle, BLEGapSecStatus.success, sec_params, None, None)

    def loop(self):
        self.sec_params_requested = None
        while True:
            if self.sec_params_requested:

def main(serial_port):
    print('Serial port used: {}'.format(serial_port))
    driver = BLEDriver(serial_port=serial_port, auto_flash=False)
    periph = PeripheralTest()
    driver.ble_gap_adv_data_set(BLEAdvData(complete_local_name='Bond Test'))
    print('Started advertising')
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    serial_port = None
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print("Please specify connectivity IC identifier (NRF51, NRF52) and serial port")
    serial_port = sys.argv[2]
  • If others experience this error (0x03), with the pc-ble-driver on Linux/OSX, you can try this:

    There is an issue with the Segger firmware when using long packets over UART on Linux/OSX. The solutions is to disable the Mass Storage Device (MSD). The procedure to disable it is described in Workareound 2 on this page.

    I know the page say that the issue is not present on Linux, but it solved this exact problem for another user, so it might be worth trying.

    Best regards,


  • If others experience this error (0x03), with the pc-ble-driver on Linux/OSX, you can try this:

    There is an issue with the Segger firmware when using long packets over UART on Linux/OSX. The solutions is to disable the Mass Storage Device (MSD). The procedure to disable it is described in Workareound 2 on this page.

    I know the page say that the issue is not present on Linux, but it solved this exact problem for another user, so it might be worth trying.

    Best regards,

