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Is it legal to post BLE lectures using Nordic's Github in the web?

Hi, I hope it is fine to post a question like this since I'm not familiar with the license/copyright issues.

I have a friend of mine who wants to post BLE lectures using the Nordic's Github.

To be more specific, this friend teaches iOS Apps and Swift 3.

He wants to teach how to create iOS BLE apps

using the PCA10040 v1.1 and the Nordic's Github link (iOS nRF Toolbox repo)

and post it on YouTube, Patreon, Udemy, or on the web (in English).

I've only learned about firmware and PCBs so this will be a great opportunity by watching and learning my friends lecture to learn iOS BLE apps.

Although the Github repo is opened to the public, is it okay to expose the Toolbox code in YouTube or other web blogs?

-Best Regards

Parents Reply Children
  • Ovrebekk,

    I am creating a Udemy course around projects powered by a nRF52 custom dev board, I will be using your SDK and some of the examples that comes with it. Is it still Ok to do so?


  • Hi

    The SDK license is described in the documentation folder in the SDK, in the licenses.txt and nRF5_Nordic_license.txt files. 

    As you can see most of the SDK is covered by the 5-clause license described in nRF5_Nordic_license.txt, and these files can be re-distributed as long as you follow the requirements set out by the license. 

    If you still have questions after going through these files just let me know, and I will try to help out Slight smile

    Best regards

  • I appreciate the response. for 

    4. This software, with or without modification, must only be used with a
    Nordic Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit. 

    Using a custom board with any nRF chip on a Nordic or non Nordic BLE module is permissible, correct?

    What about the Soft Device, is there any restrictions governing the use and distribution of your soft devices on such custom boards? 

    What about the tools the come with the Nordic suite such as: nRFConnect (Mobile/Windows), nRF Toolbox, nRFgo Studio, can I feature one or move in the videos?


  • Hi 

    tBStar said:

    4. This software, with or without modification, must only be used with a
    Nordic Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit. 

    Using a custom board with any nRF chip on a Nordic or non Nordic BLE module is permissible, correct?

    I can confirm that this is OK. Otherwise most of our customers would be breaking the license ;)

    As long as the chip itself is from Nordic it doesn't matter what board or module it is embedded on. 

    tBStar said:
    What about the Soft Device, is there any restrictions governing the use and distribution of your soft devices on such custom boards? 

     Same thing here. All we care about is that a Nordic chip is used.  

    tBStar said:
    What about the tools the come with the Nordic suite such as: nRFConnect (Mobile/Windows), nRF Toolbox, nRFgo Studio, can I feature one or move in the videos?

    You are free to discuss and show of these tools in videos, yes. 

    In general we only put restrictions on how the tools themselves are re-distributed. As long as you link to the official Nordic downloads/apps it's no problem. 

    Best regards

  • You made my day. Sorry I hijacked this thread but I wanted to build on it so that others may benefit.
