What are the benefits of having an external 32 kHz crystal instead of using the internal RC oscillator?
What are the benefits of having an external 32 kHz crystal instead of using the internal RC oscillator?
We have an app that the device will be outside. Therefore, there can be a significant, but not rapid, temperature swing. If we go with the internal RC oscillator, is there a temperature range that the calibration will be able to keep the clock stable or like most RC's it is too unstable.
Calibration every 4 s should be sufficient to keep the clock stable for all normal temperature variations, so even outside there should be no problems with this.
Is this also applicable for the nRF8001 BLE chip ? Just want to be sure this mechanism of using the internal RC oscillator and the 4 sec. calibration interval is also done in the nRF8001 chip.
I'm not absolutely certain whether the calibration interval is the same for the nRF8001, but any needed calibration of the nRF8001's RC oscillator is anyway handled internally in the chip, and no external actions are needed to make it happen.
Why must the receive window be widened? Is the radio clock generated from the RC timer?