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nRF toolbox

I am learning BLE and trying to develop a Health Thermometer which can be seen in the nRF Toolbox

I am using Bluetooth Developer Studio but cannot get the nRF Health thermometer scan to appear in Select Device in the connect window.

It would be useful to know the exact BLE requirement of the Health Thermometer in nRF Toolbox.

  • Hi,

    There is already a Health Thermometer example in the SDK: SDK_Folder\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_hts, so you dont need to use BDS to implement this. In order for the nRF-Toolbox to list the Health thermometer in scanned devices, the peripheral (Health thermometer) need to have the Health Thermometer UUID in the advertising data.

  • OK Sigurd, I am not using the Nordic SDK as it requires a costly development environment, I am Using a RedBear BLEnano and programming in Arduino environment using BLEPeripheral. From nRF Conect I get: nRF Connect, 2017-02-21 JimsT (F5:34:7E:73:78:89) V 11:19:57.916 Connecting to F5:34:7E:73:78:89... D 11:19:57.916 gatt = device.connectGatt(autoConnect = false) D 11:19:58.423 [Callback] Connection state changed with status: 0 and new state: CONNECTED (2) I 11:19:58.423 Connected to F5:34:7E:73:78:89 D 11:19:58.423 wait(600ms) D 11:19:58.426 [Broadcast] Action received: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED V 11:19:59.043 Discovering services... D 11:19:59.043 gatt.discoverServices() D 11:19:59.106 [Callback] Services discovered with status: 0 I 11:19:59.110 Services discovered V 11:19:59.148 Generic Access (0x1800)

    • Device Name [R W] (0x2A00)
    • Appearance [R] (0x2A01)
    • Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters [R] (0x2A04) Generic Attribute (0x1801)
    • Service Changed [I] (0x2A05) Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902) Device Information (0x180A)
    • Manufacturer Name String [R] (0x2A29)
    • Model Number String [R] (0x2A24)
    • Serial Number String [R] (0x2A25)
    • Hardware Revision String [R] (0x2A27)
    • Firmware Revision String [R] (0x2A26)
    • Software Revision String [R] (0x2A28)
    • System ID [R] (0x2A23)
    • IEEE 11073-20601 Regulatory Certification Data List [R] (0x2A2A)
    • PnP ID [R] (0x2A50) Health Thermometer (0x1809)
    • Temperature Measurement [I] (0x2A1C) Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902)
    • Temperature Type [R] (0x2A1D)
    • Intermediate Temperature [N] (0x2A1E) Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902)
    • Measurement Interval [I N R W WNR] (0x2A21) Client Characteristic Configuration (0x2902) Valid Range (0x2906)

    But cannot see it in Toolbox

  • You need to have the Health Thermometer UUID in the advertising data for it to show up in Toolbox. The UUID is 0x1809:

    image description

  • OK BDS only inserts this: BLEService DeviceInformation("180A"); blePeripheral.addAttribute(DeviceInformation); even though the Health Thermo UID 1809 is in the project.
