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How to change transmitting power ?

Hello, I am using pca10028 dk. I want to know how can I change the transmitting power of ble? My application needs that user should be able to change the transmitting power through app. So how should I proceed? I am using sdk 12.2.2 and I am referring code ble_app_gls.

Screen shots are Screenshot_20170301-115100.png





Thanks, Shailav

Parents Reply
  • Your BLE code needs to include the tps (service) which is provided as part of the SDK

    Your phone app needs to be able to write to the service characteristic in the tps service

    Your screenshots seem to merely show the RSSI (received signal strength) by you phone. I'm not sure if the nRF phone App has a UI for the Transmit Power service (TPS), you may need to write this yourself.

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