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Connect to nRF6310

Hi, I used the sample code "Master Emulator->>Example code->nRFUart"

to develop a new project, and encounter some questions...

we update nRF6310 hardware so that will return a char array data after receive a command,

the source code just change a button content (OnBtnSendClick) to send a command(0x00000000),

but after send-receive data few times it will not receive any data unless re-connect to device.

in "PipeSetup.cs" file, we add a new service uuid "6e400004b5a3f93e0a9e50e24dcca9e", and call

"masterEmulator.SetupAssignPipe(PipeType.ReceiveWithAck) ;",unfortunately, this pipe just receive

data in first time, then will not receive any data unless re-connect to device.

but these two questions all no abnormality in "Master Control Panel", so what probably error occur ?

I try to understand the connect algorithm and arrange as below- a. search dongle device and connect. b. start scanning, then connect to device and get its handle event. (1st time connect) c. register uuid (looks like masterEmlator must close first then can register?) d. re-connect to device (2sc time connect)

in this algorithm the connect action will occur 2 times, does better algorithm could offer ?

