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Keil - nRF_DeviceFamilyPack:8.12.0 Pack not found

Hi, I use Keil 5 and SDK 13.0.0 in Windows 7 64bit desktop.


I wished to test the SDK 13's BLE UART example.


However, even though I clicked "Check for Updates", the installation for device pack 8.12 does not start.

The message says that Cannot execute external request (Install Pack, NordicSemiconductor:nRF_DeviceFamilyPack:8.12.0 Pack not found

Neither the Nordic's developer webpage seems to have the device pack 8.12.

Will the device pack 8.12 be uploaded?

// Edited 2017.03.15


Check this video Mark.

-Best regards

  • Thanks, Vidar. I have downloaded the file and imported it from the Keil 5 Pack Installer.

    Now, I think you have to help Mark's problem.

    -Best Regards

  • Mark, please try to install to manually install the packs version of the MDK that I linked to in my answer below. Keil setup should not be limited to one vendor.

  • Hi Vidar, I am now able to use the Keil MDK v5.23 from the Keil site, and the 8.12 pack you mention. But I have a few problems:

    1. I tried compiling the ble_app_Eddystone_pca10040 example in SDK 13 to verify that everything is set up correctly. The linker complains that the output is over 32Kb (since it is the free evaluation version)

    Is the Nordic-Licenced Keil MDK which comes with the SDK13 able to link binaries > 32 Kb?

    1. After setting up the version 5.23, I now can not build the nRF51822 projects that were building yesterday with my older environment. When I open one of those projects, a message is complaining about device pack 8.3.1 as shown:

    Error instantiating RTE components Error #544: Required Software Pack 'NordicSemiconductor.nRF_DeviceFamilyPack.8.3.1' is not installed Error #541: 'NordicSemiconductor::Device:Startup:8.3.1' component is missing (previously found in pack 'NordicSemiconductor.nRF_DeviceFamilyPack.8.3.1')

    Doesn't the 8.12 pack supersede the earlier ones? Under OPTIONS for Component Class "Device" it shows version 8.3.1 but I checked the box for "Use latest installed version"

    P.S. : how do I easily insert a screen capture into my response? I can't see any easy way to do that, as it is not as simple as pasting in a jpg file.

    EDIT: I didn't realise that is was OK to have multiple device packs installed, I had thought that by having 8.12.0 installed, all older projects that required an earlier pack would build. It appears that by installing both the 8.3 and 8.12 family packs, I can now build nRF51 AND nrF52 projects. CASE CLOSED...

  • Hi, Mark. how do I easily insert a screen capture into my response? You mean taking a screenshot like the above question?

    If you use Windows, press Print Screen key and paste it on MSPaintor whatever program you use.

  • Hi MANGO, that part I can do - I use Snipping Tool to capture images but they can't be directly pasted into these responses. It seems that you have to upload the image to a photo sharing website and then provide a link to it. Is that the only procedure ?
