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Program Sparkfun nRF52832 Breakout Board using nRF 52 DK


This is my first time working with bluetooth and Nordic chip and I'm having program getting started.

I'm trying to program the Sparkfun nRF52832 Breakout Board as the first step of prototyping my project. I programmed the nRF 52DK with the my modified example code from SDK v12.2 through Keil and it's working. However, when I tried to load the project on the nRF 52 DK while the breakout board was connected, Keil gave error saying "No Cortex-M SE device found". I connected the breakout board and DK according to the picture from Sparkfun hookup guide: image description

Can I program the breakout board the same way I programed nRF 52 DK? I used the following tutorial as reference to set up my nRF 52

Can someone give me some advice on how to proceed or point me to useful resource? I'm really new to this and I'm trying to learn so please explain in detail.

Thank you so much!

  • @Sylvia without GND and Vcc connected nRF52-DK switches to programming on board nRF52 MCU. Try connecting FTDI board in a way that nothing but vcc and gnd is connected. If that doesn't help try powering Sparkfun board from nRF52-DK (programming header doesn't provide power you have to connect additional Vcc and GND lines from Arduino header on nRF52-DK)

  • @Sylvia without GND and Vcc connected nRF52-DK switches to programming on board nRF52 MCU. Try connecting FTDI board in a way that nothing but vcc and gnd is connected. If that doesn't help try powering Sparkfun board from nRF52-DK (programming header doesn't provide power you have to connect additional Vcc and GND lines from Arduino header on nRF52-DK)

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