hi: i update app fail using serial ! SD version 8.0.2 . nrfjprog version 9.0.0. the device page as follow:
APP_START: 0x18000
APP_SIZE: 0x18000
SD_START: 0x1000
SD_SIZE: 0x17000
BL_START: 0x3A000
BL_SIZE: 0x5800
COMPANY_ID: 0x00000059
APP_ID: 0x0001
APP_VERSION: 0x00000001
SD_VERSION: 0x0064
BL_ID: 0x01
Verification key Qx: 24af4f3f27ae0c0574577a2b80731c414dac771905705ebdc36d38a8b74601d7
Verification key Qy: 34b559486d1ee8e8c5e38ce7f0dc696219b6f38e41fb8cb4385dd518dfa13efc
bootloader size 52874 bytes. the app size 88550 bytes. the rtt log as follow :
Thanks for any help!