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Which are different memory storage option?

Hello, I am using pca10028 and sdk 12.2. I have interfaced temp sensor with nrf51 and now I want to store that data continuously in memory of nrf51. I want to store min 4k sample consisting of 2 bytes of data. So should I prefer fds or pstorage or fstorage? Can I get example code to do this? Also I am am facing difficulty in displaying output through uart although code doesnt gives me error. I am attaching my code . Please let me know suggestions. Thanks, Shailav

error - debug1.PNG

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    For storing data, I would recommend using FDS. With FDS it is easy to store and retrieve data. FDS uses the fstorage module. Pstorage is the old storage module, and it is no longer being updated.

    For how to use FDS with the softdevice, you can take a look at the example in this answer.

    When adding FDS and using BLE, you will need to add the following in addition to what is in the documentation on the infocenter:

    static void sys_evt_dispatch(uint32_t sys_evt)
        // Dispatch the system event to the fstorage module, where it will be
        // dispatched to the Flash Data Storage (FDS) module.
    static void ble_stack_init(void)
        err_code = softdevice_sys_evt_handler_set(sys_evt_dispatch);

    For explanation on why that code section is needed, see this answer.

  • I am testing the same code that you provided and it gets struck. Please test the code that I provided from the dropbox link above and let me know suggestions.

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