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PCA10056 Silk Screen Errata

Could Nordic please confirm that the "SB13-SB15" and "SB23-SB25" silkscreen markings incorrectly imply that pin 1 of the SPI flash part, which is actually "!CS" would appear to be indicated as SB13 and SB23, rather than the proper SB15 and SB25. Additionally, DIO1, which is "Classic SPI" MISO appears to be indicated as SB15 and SB25, rather than its actual SB13 and SB13.

For those of y'all who care, having the correct "SB" numbers is required to convert the QSPI configuration to "Classic SPI".

Changing the silkscreen markings so they read "SB15-13" and "SB25-23" would be helpful. image description

  • Hi,

    I would not call this an errata, but I can agree that the silkscreen could be confusing. The order of the solderbridges are SB15, SB13, SB14 (SB25, SB23, SB24), so changing the silkscreen according to your suggestion is not correct either.

    The intention of this silkscreen was to indicate the location of the SB1x and the SB2x since these are the groups of solderbridges that must be cut/shorted to reconfigure the pins from memory to pin header and not necessarily the individual solderbridge.

    Please check the documentation for correct mappings.

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    I would not call this an errata, but I can agree that the silkscreen could be confusing. The order of the solderbridges are SB15, SB13, SB14 (SB25, SB23, SB24), so changing the silkscreen according to your suggestion is not correct either.

    The intention of this silkscreen was to indicate the location of the SB1x and the SB2x since these are the groups of solderbridges that must be cut/shorted to reconfigure the pins from memory to pin header and not necessarily the individual solderbridge.

    Please check the documentation for correct mappings.

    Best regards,

