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Anyone using Fujitsu MBH7BLZ02-EB-KIT to do nRF51822?

To do development what software did you have to install, and what hardware did you need to get the MBH7BLZ02-EB-KIT working? What hardware did you connect together?

There seems to be no documentation from Fujitsu about MBH7BLZ02-EB-KIT connections/jumpers/switches, or how to connect and use with Nordic tools.

There seems to be only a simple datasheet for the module MBH7BLZ02-109004, and nothing about the module's pinout, etc.

Help! Paul

==== Update 20141031: I emailed Fujitsu yesterday and I now have latest docs:

26page datasheetv0.05 for MBH7BLZ02-109004,

20page User Guide v0.5 for MBH7BLZ02-EB-KIT,

I will be testing it with latest Nordic tools soon.

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