Hi, Nordic! We have connected gpio pins to usb data line pins for using usb or i2c in different times. But even if USB core disconnected, usb lines hinder for i2c lines. Is it possible connect usb d+ and d- to GPIO?
Hi, Nordic! We have connected gpio pins to usb data line pins for using usb or i2c in different times. But even if USB core disconnected, usb lines hinder for i2c lines. Is it possible connect usb d+ and d- to GPIO?
What do you mean you have "connected gpio pins to USB pins"? The circuit diagram makes it look as though you've connected USB D+ both to the D+ pin and to a random GPIO. Why have you done this? The D+/D- pins can only be used for USB and nothing else and no other GPIOs can take a USB signal so it's hard to understand what you're trying to accomplish.
What do you mean you have "connected gpio pins to USB pins"? The circuit diagram makes it look as though you've connected USB D+ both to the D+ pin and to a random GPIO. Why have you done this? The D+/D- pins can only be used for USB and nothing else and no other GPIOs can take a USB signal so it's hard to understand what you're trying to accomplish.
We want use usb connector for usb and for i2c.
First case: connecting board to usb host via usb
Second case: connecting board to another board via i2c
Both case used one usb connector(GND, VCC, D+ and D-), but for i2c D+ changed to SDA and D- to SCL.