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Using RTT viewer in SDK 12.2 SES

sdkconfig.txtmainc.txt(/attachment/6fb97103178e9eb2c30302351e63ce8f)Can you please tell whether i follow the the entire tutorial as in the link or just the first step for SDK 12.2 SES. Even if i use the first step, i need the CMSIS wizard that uses Java tool to modify the functionality in sdkconfig.h to enable logging through the RTT viewer.

But somehow there is a problem with opening the .jar file, since Java tool is not working for my windows.

Is there an alternative way to modify the sdkconfig.h, not manually, as there are chances of errors coming up if i change it myself, then there will be further problems

  • Hi,

    It should be sufficient to enable NRF_LOG in sdk_config.h and set the backend to use RTT.

    I'm not aware of any other tools that can edit the CMSIS files, except Keil and CMSIS Configuration Wizard. Why not try to undertand how the file works and fix the errors instead of looking for another tool? The documentation can be found here, and on the Keil page linked there. If you have some issues, post it here and I will try to help you solve it.

    To enable logging over RTT, set the following defines in your sdk_config.h file:

    #define NRF_LOG_ENABLED 1

    If you have enabled deferred logging by setting #define NRF_LOG_DEFERRED 1, you need to call NRF_LOG_PROCESS() or NRF_LOG_FLUSH() in you main loop, to process the log queue.

    Best regards,


  • Flash your board with it (it is for the nRF52 DK - PCA10040 board, if you have other board, let me know), either using nrfjprog, nRFgo Studio, or drop it to the JLINK drive. Your device will print "Hello" to the RTT terminal.

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