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Remote Control Reference Design

Hello All,

We need to design a Remote Control based on NRF24LE1 working with mercury cell.

So they key factor is hardware & software optimisation for the lowest possible power.

Any reference design or any pointer will be appreciated.

While googling I found reference design here "" But the link is broken.



  • You need an product key from Nordic and add this to your MyPage on Nordics website to access the reference design for desktop based on the nRF24LE1. I would ask you to contact Nordics technical support from the Nordic website regarding the desktop reference design as well.

  • You need an product key from Nordic and add this to your MyPage on Nordics website to access the reference design for desktop based on the nRF24LE1. I would ask you to contact Nordics technical support from the Nordic website regarding the desktop reference design as well.
