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When is hardware reset ignored on the 51822?

I ran into this last night and curiously, James appears to have posted about it yesterday (,but-cannot-reset-nrf51822-chip)

Here is my code: it generates a square wave of increasing period on GPIO 0.11 that you can watch on a scope. Presumably, when you short pin 23 (SWDIO/nRESET) to ground, the chip should reboot and this will be evident by the period collapsing back to 10us and increasing again.

int main(void)
uint16_t x = 1;


                for(int i=0; i<x; i++)

However, here is what I see: after I use SWD to download the program via the Segger, I can short SWDIO/nRESET for seconds without resetting the chip. If I power cycle the CPU, everything works as expected.

This is with a G0 step of a 51822-QFAA and I have tried it both ways with respect to PAN 7 (12K pull-down on SWDCLK installed and omitted). I've also isolated the chip from the SWD interface without change.

How can the the J-Flash util leave the core in a state that even a hardware reset doesn't work? I am downloading the code through Keil 4.73, J-Flash 4.72A at 100kHz.

Thanks, Dan

  • Håkon, Thank you for getting back to me. Unfortunately that command resulted in ERROR: An error occurred while connecting to the device even though I can open the JLink.exe command line utility and communicate with the core. I tried all of the different types of resets that JLink.exe would offer as well and still, the nReset pin won't operate. Do you have any other ideas?

    Thank you, Dan

  • Håkon, Thank you for getting back to me. Unfortunately that command resulted in ERROR: An error occurred while connecting to the device even though I can open the JLink.exe command line utility and communicate with the core. I tried all of the different types of resets that JLink.exe would offer as well and still, the nReset pin won't operate. Do you have any other ideas?

    Thank you, Dan

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