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[nRf52832, LWM2M] in no-security mode can not register LWM2M server



  1. target board: DK52 board and run LWM2M example of IOT-SDK v0.9
  2. router: ubuntu 16.04 on VM and runs bsserver and LWM2M server on ubuntu 16.04

I use example LWM2M of IOT-SDK V0.9 at DK52 board and config USE_SECURITY to 0 and I set bootstrap server to no security mode.

First: DK52 board can connect to ubuntu16.04 with ble.

Second: when i click button 1, the DK52 board LED3 is light. bootstrap is completed.

Third: When i click button 2 of DK52 board will show error message at bootstrap server in command window of ubuntu 16.04.

error message as below:

Jul 11, 2017 2:43:54 PM org.eclipse.californium.core.server.ServerMessageDeliverer deliverRequest INFO: Did not find resource [rd] requested by /fe80:0:0:0:21f:c0ff:fe5e:f8d7%4:5,683

please help me, thanks.
