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nRF51822 example

I have installed Keil MKD-Lite V and the Segger software (which linked to the Keil IDE). I have tried to install the nRF51 SDK (5 times) and every time iI get the error "A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file \nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_39364.msi". Following the installation guide, i loaded Blinky.uvproj, but cannot select the target nRF51822 - the nearest is nrf51822_xxaa(256k). In Options for Target/Debug, J_LINK/J_TRACE Cortex is shown in the box. When I select Settings the Cortex JLink/JTrace Target Driver setup window opens with the correct J-Link type and serial number, but there is no SEGGER Control Panel. However, when I try to download the target code into the evaluation board I get the error Error: Flash Download Failed - "Cortex-M0". I also have Keil V4.2 installed!!!! Using Keil, I was able to open the Heart rate demo project and build it without errors. I then used the nRFGO Studio to download ti the eval board and everything worked fine. However, the Keil device database is empty.
