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BLE scanner on nrf51822


I want do make BLE scanner on nrf51822. As I checked the nrf51822 should be in GAP Central role and perform acitve/passive scans. Is is correct that S110 SoftDevice doesn't support GAP Central? So how it is done in PCA10000 dongle where S110 SoftDevice is needed to flash MEFW_nRF51822_0.8.0_firmware.hex and run Master Control Panel?

  • For a true, Bluetooth specification compliant Central role you will need the S120 Soft Device -- which is not available yet.

    As others have pointed out, the PCA10000 does not implement a true Central role. It merely implements enough function to do some basic testing so that you're not rummaging around in the dark with your own Central-side code.


  • I met with my account team last week, and they couldn't/wouldn't give an exact date for S120.

    We ended up going in a different direction and using a Linux-based system instead. So we're less concerned over the S120 now.


  • I met with my account team last week, and they couldn't/wouldn't give an exact date for S120.

    We ended up going in a different direction and using a Linux-based system instead. So we're less concerned over the S120 now.


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