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trouble with nrf_dfu_mbr_copy_bl


I'm trying to implement a custom bootloader update on the nRF52840 using SoftDevice s140 and SDK 13.0.0. With my new bootloader staged in a scratch region of flash, I'm trying to use nrf_dfu_mbr_copy_bl() to copy the new bootloader. The relevant code is:

res = nrf_dfu_mbr_compare( bootloader_address, scratchpad_address, update_len );
if ( NRF_SUCCESS != res )
  res = nrf_dfu_mbr_copy_bl( scratchpad_address, update_len );

What happens is nrf_dfu_mbr_copy_bl() triggers a reset (as expected), but the next time around nrf_dfu_mbr_compare() still returns NRF_ERROR_NULL, and so the device continually calls nrf_dfu_mbr_copy_bl() and resets. Is there some initialization I'm missing? Do I need to disable the SoftDevice before doing this? I'm not using anything else from the DFU module, and I have the bootloader start address and MBR params page programmed into UICR. Any help would be appreciated!

Update 2017/8/7:

As I mentioned in the comments below, the behavior I'm seeing now is rather than constantly resetting, the code gets stuck in nrf_dfu_mbr_copy_bl(). Attaching a debugger I see I'm getting a hard fault. It appears to be a bus fault at address 0x10040013 that is escalated to a hard fault. Stack dump is:

r0	0x20000400
r1	0x000008E5
r2	0x00000579
r3	0x000008C5
r12	0x00000583
lr	0x0000058D
pc	0x00000597
psr	0x00000000

Update 2017/8/8:

I've reproduced the problem with a really simple project:

  • Hi Daniel and Steve,

    I also reproduced the issue here and only after that got to know the nrf_dfu_mbr_copy_bl() is not supported on nRF52840. The reason is BPROT peripheral is removed on nRF52840. If you have a look at the release note of s140_nrf52840_5.0.0-2.alpha you can find:

    The SV-calls sd_mbr_command_vector_table_base_set() and sd_mbr_command_copy_bl() are not supported (DRGN-8197). Using these calls leads to undefined behavior.
  • Hi Daniel and Steve,

    I also reproduced the issue here and only after that got to know the nrf_dfu_mbr_copy_bl() is not supported on nRF52840. The reason is BPROT peripheral is removed on nRF52840. If you have a look at the release note of s140_nrf52840_5.0.0-2.alpha you can find:

    The SV-calls sd_mbr_command_vector_table_base_set() and sd_mbr_command_copy_bl() are not supported (DRGN-8197). Using these calls leads to undefined behavior.