My code is in the link attached:
With that code we have a current measurement of 1.1mA. As you can see in the code, we have tried to disable all the peripherals in the function: disable_peripherals(), and configure Advertising with the next parameters:
TX power: +4dBm adv interval: 1200ms payload: 13 bytes
But we still have: Average current consumption: 1,1 mA
We have seen here:
An example from Nordic:
Advertising 2: TX power: +4dBm adv interval: 1200ms payload: 10 bytes application processing: 2ms each adv interval. Average current consumption: 33,4 uA
How can we obtain a similar value of current? What are we doing wrong?
I also would like to ask what is "aplication processing: 2ms", how do we know that parameter in our system?