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Combining bootloader, softdevice, and application in single hex


I am trying to combine Softdevice, bootloader, and Application hex files in single hex file. Currently using s130, SDK11, nrf51822.

I combined files using this tool

Command used: srec_cat.exe application.hex -intel bootloader.hex -intel Softdevice.hex -intel -o final.hex -intel" which creates a final hex. where bootloader is for over-the-air-update from the dfu ....\nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197\examples\dfu\bootloader\pca10028\dual_bank_ble_s130\arm5_no_packs folder

When I upload the final hex file to the nrf51822, the device starts with advertising "dfutarg" (looking for OTA update) and does not start with the application code. The application code was present in the final hex file but it doesn`t loads.

I referred this link ( which mentions valid_app_setting file to be merged when combining these three files.

Can anyone help me to know what exactly this file contains and what is the function of this hex file? Is it different for s130, sdk11? Am I on the right path?

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for the reply. I tried the mergehex tool and srec_cat tool. In both case device doesn`t advertise. When I try to switch to dfu mode, it switches perfectly and advertise as "DFUtarg". Is the app_valid_setting.hex different for different SDK and softdevices? What exactly that hex files contains?

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