is it possible to use the PCA10000 as a data logger, to transmit the incoming data over USB to a terminal programm? Are their any limits, e.g. for the data rate?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards, Mathias
is it possible to use the PCA10000 as a data logger, to transmit the incoming data over USB to a terminal programm? Are their any limits, e.g. for the data rate?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards, Mathias
What do you mean by data logger? If you use the PCA10000 with the Master Emulator Firmware and run the Master Control Panel on the PC to connect and view state on a slave then you will find a log file stored by the application on the PC.
If you want a sniffer than logs all on-the-air packets between two devices than you really need a BLE sniffer.
Thanks for your reply,
i would like to log all packets from a slave device (e.g. from a sensor) to a file trough a terminal program.
As i unterstand the PCA 10000 isn't certified as a BLE device, but technically (HW-wise) shouldn't it be possible? Is the software of the "Master Emulator Firmware" available?
The device won't be sold in any way an it is for internal use only.
Regarding a BLE sniffer, do you have any suggestions, especially with a programmable nRF51822 on it?
I'm having a little trouble understanding exactly what you need, but if the point is that you want to make your own, custom Central application, just for testing and development, I'd recommend you to take a look at this question.
The nRF Sniffer allows sniffing of BLE packets using the nRF51822. See https://www.nordicsemi.com/eng/Products/Bluetooth-R-low-energy/nRF-Sniffer
I hope this does answer your question.