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Choose correct module based on nrf52832 chip

I have two supplier for provide me nrf52832's based modules. So I tested it and both is ok. The distance used pcb antenna almost the same (about 80m).

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If I use on external antenna with gain 3dbi I got +20% previous distance, also on that board we have metal shield, also it's has 4-layers board intead of 2-layer board and tells me that because of that the impedance is better.

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I need a lot of nrf52832 modules but confused which one is pick up

  • If you cannot find the parts listed here on our page, then I would as Matt suggests, look into what kind of certification that the module has been through as you want a module that has been pre-qualified. Moreover, you need to take into consideration where you're going to sell you're product, e.g. Japan requires the module to be shielded, while you will not need the shielding in Europe/Americas.

  • If you cannot find the parts listed here on our page, then I would as Matt suggests, look into what kind of certification that the module has been through as you want a module that has been pre-qualified. Moreover, you need to take into consideration where you're going to sell you're product, e.g. Japan requires the module to be shielded, while you will not need the shielding in Europe/Americas.

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