I need second and maybe even third uart modules (for rs232). Is there any sample code like in Arduino (Software uart)?
I need second and maybe even third uart modules (for rs232). Is there any sample code like in Arduino (Software uart)?
Well the rule says: as long as there is a wire and chip supports any form of FW update then you can do it. Most of these extenders don't support anything like that (why would you do it if it has fixed functionality in ROM) but if it can do it then you can always implement the protocol over BLE and then over UART/SPI/I2C/whatever. But if you expect this being written for you then I'm afraid you will be disappointed, this is job to be done;)
Well the rule says: as long as there is a wire and chip supports any form of FW update then you can do it. Most of these extenders don't support anything like that (why would you do it if it has fixed functionality in ROM) but if it can do it then you can always implement the protocol over BLE and then over UART/SPI/I2C/whatever. But if you expect this being written for you then I'm afraid you will be disappointed, this is job to be done;)
When can we expect and example project for FW update via i2c??