I need second and maybe even third uart modules (for rs232). Is there any sample code like in Arduino (Software uart)?
I need second and maybe even third uart modules (for rs232). Is there any sample code like in Arduino (Software uart)?
First about why I would like to use second chip like extender of peripherals (change by DFU, ideally OTA DFU) because I want to create some kind of PLC (siemens e.g) base on nrf52832 chip (nrf52840 is better for that but not in production yet). The project where I can need (up two 3-5 uart) is weight control system that has to gathering weight values from industrial scale (that can transmit it via rs-232 port in continious mode). There are can be up to 5 industrial scale in one room and I think it's not good idea to use individually nrf52832 chip of each scale. Actually OTA DFU is very good feature for my projects, but I use Ble for exchange data with smartphone too. So I think I can't use software uart. Maybe it would be better to use uart -> ble converter and gathering data over ble by nrf52832
There are some ready products www.usconverters.com/bluetooth-smart-low-energy-serial-rs232 www.taskit.de/ble232_en.html
Maybe I will develop something similar
When can we expect and example project for FW update via i2c??